

The NETucator is a Service of the EH Creative Agency


EH Creative Agency

Owner: Elke Hoeller

Josef-Koelbl-Weg 3

A-8054 Seiersberg-Pirka (Europa)

M: +43 676 672 59 69

E: support(at)thenetucator.com

Place of jurisdiction: Graz

Company registration number: FN 314488h

VAT. No.: ATU 64277259

Bank Details:

Raiffeisen Bank Graz-Andritz

IBAN: AT81 3837 7000 0203 5459


Disclaimer of liability

We have compiled the content of our website to the best of our knowledge and belief. We ask for your understanding that we cannot guarantee the functionality, topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information (both from our own and from third-party authors). We exclude liability for material or immaterial damage, in particular for consequential damage that may result from the direct or indirect use of the information provided by us, unless this is based on intent or gross negligence.

We also assume no liability for the content of other websites that are made available for use via hyperlinks and do not assume these as our own. Although we check the content for illegality and immorality before linking, it cannot be ruled out that the providers may change it later. If you discover violations of the law or other inappropriate content on a linked page, please let us know so that we can delete the link.

Copyright ©

The website, the published content, works, graphics, photos and texts are subject to the provisions of Austrian copyright law (unless otherwise stated). Copying, publishing, editing and distributing of any kind without the consent of the author is prohibited by law. Framing all or part of the page is prohibited. Linking the main domain or deep links is permitted without permission, provided the link is related to the business units of EH Creative Agency.

Gender mainstreaming

Insofar as personal expressions are used on the website, they include men and women alike.


Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

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